About us

The company has been established in 2013 and got permission 2014/J01 from Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia to make environmental auditing in 2014. The company is one of the pioneer companies of Mongolia in environmental auditing, and we are conducting environmental compliance with legal acts, giving professional consultancy on non-compliance activity, and drawing independent, lateral conclusion and recommendation to legal entities that consume, explore natural resources for their main activity. 


Official translation from Mongolian 



The company has environmental auditors who are working 10 and more years in the environmental field, and they are highly qualified. Based on their knowledge and experience, our company professionally makes the environmental auditing. All workers were participated in the environmental auditing training that was organized by Ministry of Environment and Green Development. 


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Байгаль Орчны Аудитын Холбоо нь гишүүддээ үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх Төрийн Бус Байгууллага юм..

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